Pay Attention To What We Give Power To
There are so many things that we give power to besides our own voice and our own gut instinct (which are the two things that always know...
Pay Attention To What We Give Power To
Worrying Is A Choice (And So Is Not Worrying)
Keep Looking Forward
Flip The Switch!
Don't Take Yourself So Seriously
The Gratitude Mindset
The 2020 Holiday Pivot
Connect with Others this Holiday Season
Keep a Happiness Journal
Don't Give Up So Easily
The Healthy Perspective That Comes with Writing a Will
Laughter Over Annoyance
Always Have Something to Look Forward To
Look at Your Resume and Remind Yourself What You are Capable Of
The Best Revenge is No Revenge
Make the Choice to Laugh in the Rain
There is only one race. The Human Race.
A Question to the Trolls of the World....
We Do Not Have to Succumb to Sadness
Being Alone Does Not Have to Mean Loneliness